Energy goes through the palms of the practitioner to the patient in order to encourage emotional or physical healing.

source:wikipedia, online encyclopedia


Customized acupuncture sessions can help modern people with emotional help, offering relief from anxiety, stress and depression.


Customized acupuncture sessions can help modern people with emotional help, offering relief from anxiety, stress and depression.


Our unique massage/hands-on therapy combines shiatsu, deep tissue, reflexology, and acupressure techniques to meet your body's special needs. Each therapy is personalized and based on medical necessity.

Our Services


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About USCCM New York Center

As a clinic cooperated with the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine(BUCM),
USCCM New York Center offers traditional techniques of Chinese medicine and brings customers into a modern healthcare center. With the academic support of BUCM, our philosophy is to redefine traditional Chinese medicine and align it with modern needs.Your holistic wellness experience should be our priority as our therapist would give you effective and efficient balance in everything we do.


Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine American Center for Traditional Chinese Medicine (USCCM) is a non-profit organization established by Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

With USCCM gaining access to the rich TCM education and research resources of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, our clinic will be promoting more TCM research, introducing TCM knowledge in the United States, and promoting TCM in health maintenance and disease play an important role in prevention.